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Queering PhotoVoice

Book our PhotoVoice Training course for your organisation!

Person with a camera


of people rated the facilitation of this course as 'excellent.'


of people rated the resources used as 'excellent.'


of people rated this course as 'excellent.'


of people would recommend this course to others.

What is PhotoVoice about?

PhotoVoice is visual storytelling. It offers an opportunity for all people to tell their story and highlight the needs of their communities. Marginalised communities, such as sexual and gender minorities, can positively represent themselves, and their needs and issues, through the accessible medium of photography.


PhotoVoice is a generic term for projects using photography as a facilitator for social change. Participatory photography can be useful for any group of people who feel marginalised or under-represented. It can lead directly to social changes taking place by bringing examples of injustice or social deprivation to the attention of the people who are in a position to do something about it.


It is a relatively simple task to teach the mechanics of picture taking and it is useful where groups of people may have educational or language difficulties. We respond to photographs in a way that we do not always respond to the written word. Our Train the Trainer course will help you to run your own PhotoVoice Project!

How can PhotoVoice help your organisation or community?

Our video below, helps to explain more about how our PhotoVoice course works in practice and how it can be used to help sexual and gender minorities to achieve social justice and social change.

See the potential? PhotoVoice offers so many opportunities to engage with sexual and gender minorities in a unique, fun, and powerful way, to achieve social change. Our fully trained team can come to your organisation and deliver our two-day training course so you become empowered to do your own project as an organisation.

See photographs of our training delivered to Legebitra in Slovenia:

Legebitra: Slovenia

We delivered our training to staff and volunteers at the LGBTQ+ organisation, Legebitra, in Slovenia. Our feedback was excellent, and they are now leading on their own PhotoVoice project!

"Drew and Abbie were a joy to host at our youth centre. They introduced PhotoVoice in a way that was engaging, clear, and gradual. The group got to experience what it was like to shape your own PhotoVoice project, step by step, with Drew and Abbie's guidance. The sessions were perfectly balanced in offering support and information, while allowing the participants to shape a lot of the content."

Petra Polanič 
Programme Coordinator: Legebitra

Image by Jordan McQueen

Our two-day course includes the following:

This course is delivered in-person only as it is meant to be a safe space for people to share stories and to feel comfortable. You do not necessarily need to bring cameras, your own mobile phones can be used.

This is a 'train the trainer' course, where we will train your staff and volunteers over an intensive two days, so you can then confidently conduct your own PhotoVoice project identifying issues chosen by your own community. However, attendees on our course will take part in an example PhotoVoice project, to give you a feel of how it works. Check out our photographs of this at the bottom of this page.

The training curriculum will cover the following topics:

  • What is PhotoVoice and participatory photography?

  • Theories behind PhotoVoice.

  • Visual literacy.

  • Examples of previous PhotoVoice projects.

  • Facilitation skills and taking pictures.

  • Captioning pictures.

  • Ethics of PhotoVoice, informed consent and reducing risk.

  • Taking part in an example PhotoVoice Project.

  • Community and Power Mapping.

  • Using a Spectrum of Allies.

  • Displaying your PhotoVoice Project.

  • Plotting your own PhotoVoice Project.

We will give you a bank of resources used from the training after completion of the course.

We suggest that you stagger the two dates of the training so there is a clear few days in-between both training days, so you can take photographs in our example project, and our facilitator can print or electronically display and sort through the photographs you send to them.

We will also provide an aftercare service and will check in with you through a one-hour online meeting after the training is completed. This will be to see how your project is progressing and to provide any further advice that you may need.

Legebitra activity: Where do you feel safe and unsafe in your capital?


Want us to deliver this PhotoVoice training at your organisation?

Want to empower your own local sexual and gender minorities through being trained in the PhotoVoice method? We offer this training course to staff and volunteers in organisations for a fee (plus extras).


Total cost: £600 (up to 12 members). This is a two day training course. 

Please contact us for an additional quote if you wish to have more than 12 people on the course.

Please note that return travel and overnight accommodation (plus additional costs such as printed materials) for our team to deliver this two-day course are not included in the total cost above. Travel and accommodation for facilitators will be additional to the daily fee, and must be covered by the booking organisation. 



Find out more about our fully qualified PhotoVoice Representatives and where they are based. They are ready and willing to come to deliver the training course for your team.

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